Each of us has a Universe within, step through a portal with us to access and embody the greatest portions of the divine being you are. What if you could Align your personal self with the powerful currents of energy that birth whole stars and worlds? Seeking to feel the connection of aligned allies on the path? Attuning to the highest aspects of who you are and embodying them here and now?
When we come together our energies and prayers are amplified, group connection and coherence brings our personal and collective new world into view exponentially quicker!
This is a group container for attuning you deeper into embodiment of your constantly updating and evolving multidimensional self! Michael will lead the group into the container and meditation, once in the space, Michael attunes to the energies of the group where things come up for processing, clearing, connecting, shifting and anchoring… Sometimes personal things are addressed, sometimes its a collective theme for many in the group to be cleared and initiated. There is usually space for important questions and guidance at the end as well.