It’s finally here!
I remember when I was probably around the age of five or six years old, my parents adopted a whale for me. Essentially one could contribute a small amount, and this organization would use that towards certain aspects of whale research. Along with it came a photo of a specific humpback whale which was your “adoptee”. As an energetically sensitive psychic child, this was massive for me as I had no real frame of reference for what I was experiencing psychically, but that whale would come to me, connect with me, interact with me in the astral realms.
Years later, the Whales would come to me in even bigger ways, regularly coming to assist in 1:1 sessions, grid work, and even giving me a transmission for easily entering the Akashic, where they showed me their role as curtains and guardians of the Akashic. Then this year, they asked me to write a book, a simple but profound transmission for children and the young at heart, about the ancient history and magic of the whales, their song, their role in the web of life. Soon after that the writing was complete, then the art, then days after that a second book, then they showed me a whole series, along with turning the illustrations into clothing and other goods.
The mountain to climb was the other pieces, publishing, a new media company, printing, etc.
But I am so grateful to say IT’S ALL HERE NOW!
Book 1: From Seas to Starseeds : Ancient History and Magic of the Whale Song Whales are the Ancient Guardians of the Ocean and the Akashic Records, A Magical Library where everything that ever was, is and will be is accessible. In this merging of Nature and Magic, the reader is taken on a Journey by the Whales into the Akashic Records and the Web of life.
Hardcover, Paperback and Ebook
After some deliberation over what non-profit to work with on this book, 11% goes to The Center For Whale Research, as their over all energy feels more in alignment with this initiative.
Also below as you can see some of my favorite of the art I have turned into various things for kids and adults with more coming soon as I see what people like. (other things available to check out at the store here)
Available in coming weeks just in time for the holidays!
The second in the INDIGO series,
“The Boy Who Dreams With Trees” is in the process of being edited right now, the art is already completed so should be ready for publishing in coming weeks. I will be updating as that process continues.
To help support this launch I’m also doing a discount on 1:1 sessions for those interested.
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